Crossroads Anywhere
Experience weekend Crossroads services inside prisons in Ohio. Men and women across the state are joining the Crossroads community each week as they come together to worship and experience weekly services.
Building Success
The first, original course in the “Four-Seven” course curriculum, this multi-week course teaches a combination of professional, personal and spiritual skills to participants.
What would it look like to have a one-day retreat that took a deep dive into what it looks like to be men and women of God? Quest is an all-day event that is structured around strengthening community, learning to lean on our community and learning just exactly what God expects of us. Whether it is a group of women spending the day understanding where God calls us to find our identity or a group of men learning how to harness their wildness to glorify God, Quest strips away our worldly attributes and takes us back to our roots as children of God.
The God Experiment
For people wrestling with who God is, whether or not He exists, and what it would mean to say “yes” to relationship with Jesus. A time to ask questions, process and relate in a small group setting. This course is offered not only to general population residents, but also to those in
restrictive housing units.
restrictive housing units.
Go! Prison
Each year, thousands of people from churches across the region served the homeless, prayed with the broken, painted schools, cleaned neighborhoods and helped make a difference to hundreds of deserving organizations. Go! Prison allows The Four-Seven to bring this amazing event inside the prison walls.
Real Marriage
Whether your marriage is thriving or just surviving, dive into this program to help build a stronger marriage. Learn skills to resolve conflict, speak each others “love language,” improve intimacy and build momentum as a couple.
Next Steps…
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