Whether your marriage is thriving or just surviving, Real Marriage helps couples dive in to build a stronger marriage. Couples learn skills to resolve conflict, speak each other's "love language," improve intimacy and build momentum as a couple despite the current separation.
The divorce rate among couples with an incarcerated spouse increases tremendously with just one year of separation (80 percent for men and close to 100 percent for women). We believe Real Marriage gives hope to couples that their marriage can still work.
Couples come together for a one day course designed to strengthen the marital relationship through a unified vision in God. They are left with tools that can be developed and nurtured to help their marriage thrive throughout their lifetime.
Couples come together for a one day course designed to strengthen the marital relationship through a unified vision in God. They are left with tools that can be developed and nurtured to help their marriage thrive throughout their lifetime.
If you or a loved one would like to learn more, please contact us!
1 Stritof,Sheri "Impact of a Prison Sentence on Marriage" last updated November 10, 2019, https://www.thespruce.com/what-is-a-prison-marriage-2300889